Installing / updating Composer dependencies is very slow or time outs

I wanted to speed up my coding by adding Laravel 4 Generators and Laravel Artisan plugin for Sublime text 2 (you can learn more about this here). I added "way/generators": "dev-master" to my composer.json file as instructed and ran "php composer.phar update" and waited….and waited…and waited. How can downloading simple text files be so slow when I have very fast connection?

For some reason I always had problems with composers speed – installing or updating dependencies was very slow. By searching net I saw that a lot of people have similar problems and various solutions are offered – for some they work and for some they don’t. I would advise you to try them out and see if any of them help you.

One of the most common advices is to use the --prefer-dist switch:

php composer.phar update --prefer-dist

I ran it however it didn’t help me. Composer got stuck on updating symfony/filesystem dev-master. After 5 minutes I got this error:

The process timed-out.

After trying it few times with the same result I realized that git.exe was having some problems with my network (not sure what). So the problem seems to be with Git protocol, at least in my case. Composers default github-protocols config settings is ["git", "https", "http"]. So what I did was changed github-protocols to https with this command:

php composer.phar config -g github-protocols https

I ran the update again and it started working, much faster and no timeouts.

Note: I don’t know if this was due to me canceling composer updates several times but after composer finished updating I got this error for the first time :

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getConfigLoader()

The solution for this can be found here.