Can you copy SSH keys to new PC? (Windows or Linux)

You dont need to generate new SSH keys when switching or upgrading to new PC.

Copying SSH Keys to a New PC: Windows and Linux

On Linux:

  1. Locate Your SSH Keys: Your keys are usually in the ~/.ssh/ directory.
    ls -al ~/.ssh
  2. Copy the Keys: Use a USB drive or a secure transfer method. If using scp:
    scp -r ~/.ssh username@newPC_IP:~/
  3. Set Permissions: On the new PC, set the correct permissions:
    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    chmod 644 ~/.ssh/
  4. Test the Connection:
    ssh -T

On Windows:

  1. Locate Your SSH Keys: If using Git Bash, your keys are typically in C:\Users\YourUsername\.ssh\.
  2. Copy the Keys: You can copy the .ssh folder to a USB drive or use file transfer methods.
  3. Paste to the New PC: On the new PC, paste the .ssh folder into C:\Users\YourUsername\.
  4. Permissions: You do not need to set permissions on Windows. Just ensure your private key (id_rsa) remains secure.
  5. Test the Connection:
    ssh -T


  • Ensure Security: Keep your private key secure and do not share it.
  • SSH Agent: If you use an SSH agent, you may need to add your key again on the new PC with ssh-add.
  • Update Public Key: If necessary, copy the contents of and update it in your Git service account settings.

What is the difference between ‘git push – set-usptream origin ‘ and ‘git push’

Difference Between git push --set-upstream origin and git push

The difference between git push --set-upstream origin <branch> and git push lies in how they handle the relationship between your local branch and the remote branch.

1. git push --set-upstream origin <branch>

  • Purpose: This command pushes your local branch to the remote repository and establishes a tracking relationship between the local branch and the remote branch.
  • Upstream Tracking: It sets the upstream branch for the current local branch. After this, future git push and git pull commands can be used without specifying the remote or branch name.
  • Example:
    git push --set-upstream origin feature-branch

    This pushes the feature-branch to the origin remote and sets it as the upstream branch for the current local branch.

  • Use case: If you’re pushing a branch to the remote for the first time or if the local branch does not yet have an upstream branch set, this command ensures that future pushes/pulls can be done with fewer commands.

2. git push

  • Purpose: This command pushes your current branch to the remote repository, but only if an upstream branch is already set.
  • No Upstream Tracking: If the current branch doesn’t have an upstream (tracking) branch set, Git will return an error and ask you to specify where to push.
  • Example:
    git push

    If you’re on feature-branch and an upstream branch is already set (e.g., from a previous --set-upstream command), it pushes to the appropriate remote and branch.

  • Use case: Use this when the upstream branch is already set, and you just want to push your changes without specifying details.

So, in short:

  • git push --set-upstream origin <branch>: Pushes the branch and sets up a connection between your local and remote branch for future operations.
  • git push: Pushes to the remote branch, but only if the upstream branch is already set.

Should I create a new Git branch locally or on GitHub first?

It’s generally better to create a new Git branch locally first and then push it to GitHub. Here’s why:

1. Create the Branch Locally First

Creating a branch locally gives you full control and flexibility before sharing it with others. The workflow typically looks like this:

  1. Create the branch locally:
    git checkout -b new-branch-name
  2. Work on your changes.
  3. Commit your changes:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Description of changes"
  4. Push the branch to GitHub:
    git push origin new-branch-name

Benefits of Creating Locally First:

  • Control: You have the opportunity to make changes and commits before sharing the branch on GitHub.
  • Avoiding Mistakes: It’s easier to catch and fix any mistakes locally before making the branch visible to others.
  • History: Commits will already be in place when you push, giving collaborators more context about your changes.

2. Create the Branch on GitHub First

You can also create a branch directly on GitHub and then fetch it locally:

  1. Create a new branch on GitHub via the web interface.
  2. Fetch and check out the branch locally:
    git fetch origin
    git checkout -b new-branch-name origin/new-branch-name

When to Create on GitHub First:

  • Collaboration: If you need to create a branch quickly for collaboration (e.g., for someone else to start working on it immediately), creating it on GitHub first can make sense.
  • Protection: Sometimes, teams enforce branch protection policies (e.g., on the main branch). Creating branches on GitHub might automatically apply those policies.


  • Local First: Provides flexibility, control, and is the most common practice for individual developers or when working on a feature before sharing it.
  • GitHub First: Useful for initiating collaboration quickly or if your team has specific branch management policies.

In most cases, creating the branch locally first is the preferred approach.

How to rename GitHub repository

To rename a GitHub repository, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the repository on GitHub:

    • Log in to your GitHub account.
    • Navigate to the repository you want to rename.
  2. Access the repository settings:

    • Click on the “Settings” tab at the top of the repository page.
  3. Rename the repository:

    • In the “General” section, look for the “Repository name” field.
    • Edit the repository name to your desired new name.
  4. Confirm the change:

    • After entering the new name, scroll down and click the “Rename” button to apply the changes.

Additional Notes

  • GitHub will automatically redirect links to the old repository name to the new one, but it’s still a good idea to update any references (like in your local Git configurations or documentation).
  • In your local copy, you should update the remote URL using the command:
git remote set-url origin

What is `protected $fillable` in a Laravel model?

In Laravel, the `protected $fillable` property is used to define an array of attributes that are mass assignable. This means these attributes can be assigned using mass-assignment techniques, such as when creating a new model instance or updating an existing one using the `create` or `update` methods.

Mass Assignment

Mass assignment is a way to assign multiple attributes to a model instance in a single step, typically using an array. For example, you might have a form where a user can submit several pieces of information at once. Instead of assigning each piece of information individually, you can pass the entire array to the `create` or `update` method.

Here’s an example of how you might use the `$fillable` property in a Laravel model:

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    // Define the attributes that are mass assignable
    protected $fillable = [

In this example, the `Post` model has three attributes (`title`, `content`, and `author_id`) that are mass assignable.

Using Mass Assignment

With the `$fillable` property defined, you can now safely use mass assignment:

// Creating a new post
$post = Post::create([
    'title' => 'My First Post',
    'content' => 'This is the content of my first post.',
    'author_id' => 1

// Updating an existing post
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
    'content' => 'This is the updated content.'

The primary purpose of the `$fillable` property is to prevent mass-assignment vulnerabilities. Without `$fillable` (or its counterpart `$guarded`), any attribute in the model can be mass assigned, which could potentially allow malicious users to update sensitive fields that they shouldn’t have access to.

Mass Assignment Vulnerability

So what is this mass assignment vulnerability? Consider a scenario where a user can submit their profile information. If the user model has an attribute like `is_admin`, and this attribute is not protected, a malicious user could submit a form with an `is_admin` field and set its value to `true`, giving themselves admin privileges.

By defining the `$fillable` property, you explicitly specify which attributes are safe to be mass assigned, thus mitigating this risk.

So, using the `$fillable` property is a best practice in Laravel to ensure that only the intended attributes can be mass assigned, enhancing the security of your application.

C64/SID/Chiptunes covers

This is a non programing related post. I am a big fan of chiptunes, especially C64/SID music. There are so many amazing and well known SID tunes that I though were original but it turned out they are not. Some of them really surprised me. This does not take away from them, some covers are even better than originals, but it is interesting to hear the original and how it compares to chiptune version.

I created a new page Retro Music & Gaming where I write about these. Some of the songs include Cobra, Zoids, Commando, Rob Hubbard’s “Delta” and “Monty on the Run”, Golden Axe,. Enjoy, and I will try to update the section as much as time permits.

Vite assets are still localhost on production server

If you are using vite.js (for example when using Laravel assets bundler) then running the npm run build command triggers the build process for your project. When you run this command, Vite.js will perform several tasks to prepare your application for production deployment.

If you use Git and upload/deploy your files to production server and you css is not working then check the source code.  If you see something like this on your production server :

<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script></code>

then check if the “hot” file was accidentally uploaded to your server (github) to your Laravel public folder. Delete it and it should work. This file is used when running the dev server but will break production.

To exclude this file being uploaded to github you add it to .gitignore file:


Is it better to make several commits and then push to github or push each commit immediately?

The decision of whether to make several commits and then push to GitHub or push each commit immediately depends on your workflow and the nature of the changes you are making. Both approaches have their merits, and the choice ultimately depends on your preferences and the collaboration model of your project.

1. Making Several Commits and Pushing at Once:

  • Advantages:
    • Cleaner History: Grouping related changes into separate commits can create a more organized and meaningful commit history, making it easier to understand the evolution of the project.
    • Atomic Changes: Each commit represents a discrete, self-contained change, making it easier to revert specific changes if needed.
    • Reduced Noise: Pushing frequently can clutter the commit history with minor or incomplete changes, which can be avoided with periodic pushes.
  • Considerations:
    • Avoid Pushing Broken Code: If you push only when your code is in a stable state, this approach can work well. Otherwise, you might introduce bugs to the shared repository.
    • Better for Collaboration: If multiple team members are working on the same branch, making several commits before pushing can reduce conflicts and simplify the review process.

2. Pushing Each Commit Immediately:

  • Advantages:
    • Real-Time Collaboration: Other team members can see and potentially build upon your latest changes immediately.
    • Continuous Integration: Pushing frequently can trigger automated tests or deployment pipelines, allowing you to catch issues early.
    • Incremental Sharing: If your commits are small and well-tested, pushing immediately can help you share your progress incrementally.
  • Considerations:
    • Messy History: Frequent, small commits can lead to a cluttered commit history, making it harder to follow the logical progression of changes.
    • Rollback Complications: If you realize you need to revert a specific feature or change, it might be more complicated to isolate and revert individual commits.

In practice, developers often strike a balance between the two approaches. They make smaller, meaningful commits locally while working on a feature or bug fix, ensuring their changes are logically grouped. Once the feature or fix is complete, they perform a final review of the commits and possibly squash or rebase them into more coherent, atomic commits before pushing to GitHub. This approach combines the benefits of both methods and creates a clean, organized commit history while still maintaining real-time collaboration with the team.

Ultimately, the key is to communicate and align with your team on the preferred approach and follow any established guidelines or best practices for your project.


Create and use SSH key to login to your server

OK, this is one of those posts where I am mostly writing down what I did to remember it for next time and not one of those generic advices with all kinds of options. Hope it still helps you.

Generating SSH keys

Let say you want to connect to your hosting server with your computer (Windows) using SSH keys and not use password anymore. Passwords are annoying and less secure.

Open the Windows Terminal and type ssh-keygen

You will be prompted to specify the location and filename for the key pair. By default, it will be saved in the user’s home directory under `C:\Users\\.ssh\`. I just pressed enter.

Next, you’ll be prompted to enter and repeat a passphrase for the key. If you want you can create one but I just pressed enter twice to skip it. SSH key pair will now be generated: a private key (`id_rsa`) and a public key (``).

You can now use the public key (``) for authentication purposes with remote servers or services. The private key (`id_rsa`) should be kept secure and not shared with anyone.

Adding public SSH key to your hosting account via Cpanel

Login to you hosting account’s Cpanel and click on ‘SSH Access” then “Manage SSH Keys” and then “Import Key”.

Now you can go back to Windows and open that file and copy the content of it or you can type this in terminal (assuming the name of your public SSH key
clip < C:\Users\\.ssh\

keep in mind you have to use path and name of file on your computer, not just copy paste the above.

Then go back to cpanel’s “Import SSH Key” page and give it a name (like My PC), input your passphrase (if you have one) into passphrase field and then paste the public key into field for public key. I left private key field empty. Click Save or Import.

You will be taken to Public Keys page. If your key is NOT authorized then click Manage next to your key and click Authorize and save.

Connect to server via terminal

In your server’s Cpanel you should find username, IP and maybe port. Then you type:’

ssh username@SERVER-IP:port

hit enter and you should connect to server without the need for password.

Should I create Git repository in public_html or different folder?

It is generally not recommended to create a Git repository directly inside the `public_html` folder of your web server. The `public_html` (or `public` or `www`) directory is typically the web server’s root directory, and its contents are accessible to the public through the internet. Placing your Git repository there could expose sensitive information and potentially compromise your code’s security.

Instead, it is a good practice to keep your Git repository outside the `public_html` folder and use a deployment strategy to publish your code to the web server.

Here’s a common directory structure:

In this setup, the `public_html` folder contains only the files necessary to serve your website to the public. Your actual code resides in the `git_repository` folder, which is not accessible to the public.

When you’re ready to deploy a new version of your website, you can use various methods to transfer the relevant files from the Git repository to the `public_html` folder. Some common deployment strategies include:

1. Git pull (or clone) on the server: SSH into your server, navigate to the `git_repository` folder, and pull the latest changes from your remote repository. Then, copy the required files to the `public_html` folder.

2. Deploy script: Write a script that automates the deployment process. The script can pull the latest changes from the Git repository and copy the necessary files to the `public_html` folder.

3. CI/CD tools: Use continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions to automate the deployment process whenever you push changes to your Git repository.

Using one of these deployment strategies will help keep your sensitive code and configuration files secure, while still allowing you to publish your website to the public_html directory for the world to access.