SyntaxHighlighter Evolved Lua Brush (Language) for WordPress

If you need to add Lua support for WordPress SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin then here is one way:

Download this ZIP file. It contains 2 files:

  • shBrushLua.js – Lua Brush file
  • shBrushLua.php – WordPress plugin

Extract these 2 files and use FTP to navigate to your plugins folder (usually /public_html/wp-content/plugins), create new directory, for example syntaxhighlighter-brushes, and upload these 2 extracted files.

Go to WordPress admin -> Plugins -> Installed Plugin and activate “SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: Lua File Brush”,

Now you will be able to use Lua language with this code:

— some Lua code here
print “Hello World!”

and it should display something like this :

-- some Lua code here
print "Hello World!"